"So What Can I Do?" #3
I'm sure you want God's fruit to mark your life, to make you beautiful from the inside out. If so, you're probably wondering "What can I do to get it? How can I make this happen? What do I need to do to get things going, to get this business of spiritual fruit- bearing in motion?"
First, you can't think ,
Maybe if I try harder, No, Jesus teaches that do-it-yourself effort isn't the answer. You can only receive the fruit of the spirit through Christ!
Next, remember that the fruit of the spirit act as one. You can't say
,I just need this one, you need them all!
Another thing is, as a whole the nine characters of the fruit of the spirit are produced in the same way. Everything said of one characteristic is the same for the other eight.
never forget about the battle that is going on with your flesh and the spirit. In Galatians 5:17 we learn that
"the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the spirit, and the spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature." As long as we live as Christians we will have to fight our sinful nature, but God will be right by us to help us when we fall. WE must live every minute of our lives the way God desires us to pleasing him with....
~the thought we choose to think,
~the words we choose to say, and
~the actions we choose to take.
~Letting God guide us each step of the way.
~Letting God work in us so we can bring glory to Him.
Discovering the Secret to Walking with God #4
John 15 4-5:
Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me he can do nothing.We can't expect God to do all the work. We must do some too.
Get into God's word- Read God's word every day and seek Him.
Make time for prayer- Prayer is a
must in a relationship with God.
Do what God asks- Honor God in everything you do and obey His commandments.
Give your heart to Jesus- Before anyone or anything can grow it must be alive. Are you alive spiritually? You can't grow until you are alive in Christ.
Getting It All Together #5
So, are you alive in Christ? There are only three possible answers,
no, I'm not sure, and
Answer #1: No- If you answers no-if you have not accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour- you can set foot on the path of walking with God and growing in Him right now by earnestly praying words like these form your heart
. This is step 1 toward getting your life together:
Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I want to repent of my sins and turn and follow You. I believe You died for my sins and rose again victorious over the power of sin and death, and I want to accept You as my personal Saviour. Come into my life, Lord Jesus, and help me obey You from this day forward. Amen.
Answer #2: I'm not sure- If your not sure that the the seed of faith has taken root in your heart, you may want to say a prayer of re-commitment:
Jesus, I know that in the past I asked You into my life. I thought at that time that I was Your child, but my life hasn't shown the fruit of my belief. As I again hear Your call, I want to make a real commitment to You as Lord and Master of my life. Amen.
Or perhaps the following prayer better fits your circumstances:
Dear Lord Jesus, I know that in the past I asked You into my life. I want to be Your child, I think and hope that I am Your child, but I want to
know that I am Your child. Lord, give me the reassurance that I have eternal life through You because of Your death on the cross for my sin. Amen.
What ever you do, if your not sure if you are standing with God pray and ask him to come into your life, and know that God loves you! :)
Answer #3 Yes- If you answered yes than take a few moments to thank God and praise Him for all that Jesus has done for you. Make a fresh commitment to walk with Him and obey His commandments.