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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Beautiful Gilrhood #1

I'm been reading this awesome book called, Beautiful Girlhood . My Mom had a wonderful idea of me post about the chapters and what's in them! So, I'm going to go through ever single chapter and summarize it for my followers, guests, and anyone else. So let's get started.......

Chapter one, A Rose Bud Opens. " Rejoice... in your youth; and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth"
Watching a rose develop is very interesting! It starts out flimsy and weak. Everyday it grows more and more, and then after a while it grows into a full beautiful bloom. When it's in full bloom it's beautiful and vibrant.
Girlhood is the opening flower of womanhood. We girls are a lot like roses. We are flimsy at first but as we grow in Christ we begin to get stronger and more beautiful in him.

As our rose starts out we are in girlhood, learning, growing, and maturing. Everyday, we grow more until one day we are at full blossom! We have gone from girlhood to womanhood. When we're in Womanhood we still learn, grow, and mature, we will always learn, grow, and mature in Christ. The only way we get from girlhood to womanhood is through Christ! He controls how fast we grow and when we shall blossom. We will go through struggles as we are in girlhood and when we are in womanhood, but or Lord is ready to stand by our side and help us through them! God is our refuge and strength, we can't do anything without him. The only way we will transition into womanhood is by putting our trust in Christ.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I own that, too =D

Moriah said...

Earwen- wow we seem to like the same books! ;)

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